Independent Auditor

美 [ˌɪndɪˈpendənt ˈɔːdɪtər]英 [ˌɪndɪˈpendənt ˈɔːdɪtə(r)]
  • 网络独立审计师
Independent AuditorIndependent Auditor
  1. A Research on the Relationship between Board of Directors Characteristics and the Selection of Independent Auditor


  2. C : You 're required to get certified by an independent auditor before beginning business with certain American companies .


  3. The role of independent auditor to ensure the quality of accounting information has the wide concern .


  4. Analysis using the Game Theory of the Selection of the Independent Auditor 's Report and the Rebuilding of Trust Relationship


  5. Audit carry out by an independent auditor


  6. Unboundedness has a greater empirical credibility . The contribution of the independent auditor is to provide credibility to information .


  7. Independent auditor has become the indispensable external supervisory institution for governing the corruption of accounting message . The auditing quality is in relation to that directly .


  8. After the financial statements have been examined and signed by the Independent Auditor , they shall be submitted to the board of directors for approval .


  9. Independence also requires a five-year " cooling-off " period for former employees of the listed company , or of its independent auditor ; for former employees of any company whose compensation committee includes an officer of the listed company ; and for immediate family members of the above .


  10. It not only orders the bank to base its LIBOR submissions on market prices rather than estimates of borrowing costs , but the settlement also calls an independent auditor to scrutinize its submissions for the next five years and report back to the commodity futures trading commission .


  11. Jurisprudential Considerations on Perfecting the Relationship Structure between Independent Director and Auditor Board of Listed Companies


  12. From the view of economics , independent audit quality depends on the mutual reaction between the social needs for independent audit and the auditor 's capacity .
